The General Sci Tec company is founded by Dr. Tian-Sen Huang. Before founding the company, Dr. Huang was the director and founder of the Prairie View Solar Observatory (PVSO) and the Prairie View Plasma Lab (PVPL) .
The primary instrument at PVSO is a 35-cm Gregorian vacuum telescope, equipped with a Daystar H-alpha filter (0.5Å FWHM) and a SBIG ST-7 CCD camera. We use this configuration for our routine observations and the resulting images are 6 arcminutes by 8 arcminutes (high resolution mode).
The PVPL is the only fusion plasma lab operated at an HBCU, and a major research and education laboratory at Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU). The lab has two rotamak devices supported by two 500kHz/400 kW rf generators to operate a rotating magnetic field drive-FRC plasma.